Last fall I met someone who changed my life. Actually, “met” is a misnomer: We’ve never laid eyes on each other and have talked only a few times on the phone. But he told me things I’ll never forget. His name is Scott, and he’s my health coach.
Scott and I connected through the deeply unsexy-sounding Telephonic Wellness Coaching program, an incentive offered by my family’s insurance provider to motivate covered employees and their spouses to get healthier. I admit I was initially drawn to the $200 that would be plunked into our health savings account just for participating in four phone calls; I’d choose a medical or personal care issue I wanted to improve and then work with a wellness coach to make it happen. Why not? I figured. I’ll listen to Scott whisper sweet nothings about healthy living, then collect my cash.
As it turned out, though, Scott had something to teach me. I pride myself on being a fit, healthy person—I should be; I report on these topics for a living. But for years, I’ve had one very unhealthy vice: I’m a chronic night owl. Though I know about sleep’s link to brain health, stress reduction, and even lowered risk of cancer and heart disease, I routinely stay awake too late, catching up on work or social media when I should be catching some zzz’s…
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